The Columbus Foundation today announced Roshelle Pate, also known as the “Food Soldier,” as the 2021 recipient of The Spirit of Columbus Award. Pate was selected as the honoree in recognition of the work she and thousands of volunteers do to feed food insecure neighbors, especially during the hardest days of the pandemic.
In 2020, The Columbus Foundation distributed grants totaling $231,303,389, an all-time high, with a record-breaking 4,534 organizations receiving at least one gift. The Foundation's 2020 annual grantmaking numbers underlie the magnitude of need brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the significant charitable gifts that helped to alleviate those hardships.
Douglas F. Kridler, Columbus Foundation president and CEO, announced today that Columbus native and Ohio State University graduate Colleen Durbin Mitchell, a highly regarded national figure in philanthropy, will be joining The Columbus Foundation team as Senior Vice President for Donor Services and Development, effective July 7, 2014.
The Columbus Foundation announced a $50,000 grant to the Jewish Federation of Columbus to help support basic needs for local individuals who suffered under Nazi persecution.
JPMorgan Chase & Co. and The Columbus Foundation today released complementary action plans focused on helping prepare adults and students to fill the high-demand, living wage jobs in the region. The Columbus Foundation’s report, Opportunity Awaits: Reconnecting Franklin County Young Adults to School and Work, focuses on the education and employment challenges facing young adults, age 18 to 25, who are not college bound.
The Columbus Foundation today announced The Big Give, a 24-hour online giving rally, will kick off at 10:00 a.m. EST on Tuesday, May 12, to benefit local nonprofits. The community-wide effort encourages people to show their community spirit and donate to one or more of their favorite local nonprofits in PowerPhilanthropy,® the Foundation’s online giving marketplace.
Five leading artistic directors were named the first recipients of The Columbus Performing Arts Prize, made possible by the Performing Arts Innovation Fund.
The John W. and Edna McManus Shepard Fund/Guernsey County Foundation has extended the grant application deadline to Friday, June 19, 2015. The Fund awards grants to benefit cultural and economic programs for Cambridge and Guernsey Counties.
Gifts and bequests to community foundations vary from year to year according to the generosity, interests and, yes, life spans of donors.
The Columbus Foundation well knows the ebb and flow. But even its non-record tallies continue to top the $100 million mark.
Donors gave $132.9 million to new and existing funds and to supporting foundations in 2014, the fifth consecutive year the foundation has reported at least a nine-figure gift total.