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Corporal Kevin William Prince Memorial Scholarship - Jonathan Alder
Corporal Kevin William Prince Memorial Scholarship - Jonathan Alder

The family of Corporal Kevin William Prince established this scholarship to honor their son and brother who was killed April 23, 2015 serving his country in Iraq. The scholarship honors Kevin’s goal of returning to college when he returned. The family offers the scholarship to you in Kevin’s memory, to offer the opportunity to be the person you want to be. Kevin’s family is proud of his sacrifice and hope that this small gift will guide the recipient in finding his or her purpose in life. Please use it to make a difference in the lives of others, as their son and brother did.

Eligibility Criteria:
  • Candidates must be graduating seniors of Jonathan Alder High School in Plain City, Ohio.
  • Candidates must have a minimum cumulative 2.5 G.P.A. and demonstrate an eagerness to succeed.
  • Candidate must be pursuing post-secondary education at an accredited public or nonprofit indepedent, 2-year or 4-year college or university.
  • Candidates must attend or plan to attend an educational institution in the U.S.

April 15, 2025

Award Amount:

$4,000 payable over four years at $1,000 per academic year

Contact person for more information:

The Columbus Foundation
Scholarships Team