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Genevieve Griffith Scholarship
Genevieve Griffith Scholarship

The scholarship was established by Mildred Griffith in memory of her sister Genevieve Griffith, the girls' principal at Central High School in Ohio for many years. To be eligible, students must reside in the area served by Central High School when it closed in 1982, with Briggs, East, and South high schools each awarding one scholarship.

Eligibility Criteria:
  • Candidates must be graduating high school seniors residing in the area served by Central High School when it closed, Briggs, East, and South high schools.
  • Candidates must exhibit good character, scholastic endeavors, and participation in school activities.
  • Candidates must attend or plan to attend an educational institution in the U.S.

Check back January 1, 2026

Award Amount:

One $1,200 scholarship for each of the three named high schools.

Contact person for more information:

Scholarships Team
The Columbus Foundation