Adopt A Senior Wish List
Your generosity helped stock the homes of seniors in our community with essential, everyday items that help them stay safe and comfortable in their homes.
Since 2012, Besa's Adopt a Senior program has been connecting community members with seniors across central Ohio. The mission started when Besa rallied a handful of Secret Santas to buy $240 in gifts for 26 seniors through Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging's Holiday Gift Drive—a program started by nurse Judy Camp and now championed by her daughter in Judy's honor. This year, Besa added a new partner to the Adopt a Senior program. At Home By High is one of three village networks in the Columbus area, providing services and activities to allow older adults in The Circles, Dennison Place, Harrison West, Italian Village, Milo-Grogan, Victorian Village, University District, and Weinland Park to age-in-place.
We are Better Together! Thanks to your generous support of this campaign, Besa is well-equipped to stock the homes of At Home By High members with essential needs that will keep these seniors safe - like cleaning wipes, easy-to-read clocks for the vision impaired, and safety treads for stairs.

Connect more people to community service in Columbus through education, service projects and city-wide drives, thereby increasing awareness and investment in community needs.