Back to School
Fugees Family, Inc.
Help resettled refugee children get back to school.
Fugees Family, Inc., one of the 2020 Five Nonprofits to Watch at The Columbus Foundation, is the nation’s only school network dedicated to educating and empowering child survivors of war. The Fugees Academy is committed to educating refugee children in an environment that understands their unique challenges and appreciates their unique strengths.
The Fugees Family's Columbus campus (Fugees Academy), home to 85 students and counting, is a space where young survivors of war can heal through learning with an intensive curriculum designed to bridge the language gap.
Support for this Better Together campaign helped students stay on track, safely get back into the classroom, and provided the necessary tools for those studying at home.
Thank you! We are Better Together!
“Academically, our growth has stagnated...Even our best attempts at virtual learning cannot replicate real-life school conditions, where so many important connections are made in the unique setting that is a school..."
— Emily Frutansky, Chief Academic Officer

Advancing educational justice for refugee and immigrant youth, Fugees Family empowers refugees and immigrants to integrate successfully into their new country by providing them the support and structure they need to realize their vast potential.