Cases for Kids
The Buckeye Ranch
Support for The Buckeye Ranch will provide suitcases for 100 children and youth in foster care and residential services in Ohio.
Thanks to you and other generous donors, The Buckeye Ranch provided suitcases for 100 children and youth in foster care and residential services in Ohio.
The Buckeye Ranch raises hope and provides healing for thousands of children, youth, and families each year through child welfare, community and school-based programs, residential services, and independent living for transition-age youth. Many children come to the organization because of disruption to their family life and are being placed in short-and long-term temporary care such as foster care and residential or transitional services.
Some of these situations make children feel devalued with no sense of control as they find themselves in unfamiliar places with unfamiliar people. They bring with them the only things that are their own, reminders of their family and the familiar. Taking care of the child includes taking care of the things that are a part of them, that comfort them, and that hold value to them. Support for this Better Together project provided suitcases for children who have experienced trauma, abuse, neglect, and loss as they work with The Buckeye Ranch toward safe, supportive, loving, and permanent homes.
We are Better Together!
“Children, as well as their belongings, should be valued and treated with respect. I strongly believe kids should have proper bags that they can carry their things in to promote self-confidence and self-worth.”
—Stacey L., Foster parent

Provide family-centered mental, emotional, child welfare, and behavioral health services for children and families throughout central and southwest Ohio.