Hands-on Gardening Education
Local Matters
Learning gardens inspire kids to engage with the food they grow, and help them understand the impact that food has on our health. Your support of this project replaced a damaged truck, allowing Local Matters to prepare 20 learning gardens!
Your support will give thousands of children from food-insecure communities the opportunity to grow food, be more physically active, and eat healthier foods. Specifically, gifts to this Better Together campaign will support the purchase of a new truck, replacing an irreparable truck that was damaged last year. Transporting supplies and harvested produce is vital to Local Matters’ gardening programming across central Ohio.
Thanks to you, Local Matters can prepare over 20 garden sites for youth education and distribute food from the gardens to people in our community. We are Better Together!
"We have so much gratitude for The Columbus Foundation and the community for stepping up to give children and families the opportunity to grow food. Together, we are making sure everyone has access to healthy food in central Ohio!”
— Michelle Moskowitz Brown, Executive Director