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Better Together

Help Seniors Thrive at Adult Day Centers

National Church Residences Centers for Senior Health


Your support of this Better Together campaign will provide new and engaging programming for seniors who attend adult day centers! Specialized therapists will train staff to deliver empowering programs for years to come.

GOAL $10,000

Your support for this Better Together project will allow National Church Residences to contract with an occupational therapist, physical therapist, and speech therapist who will train staff on how to run six new programs that utilize their specific type of therapy. Each therapist will be tasked with developing a new program for the higher functioning residents centered on well-being and a healthy lifestyle, as well as a new program directed for residents who have cognitive impairments, such as Alzheimer’s and other dementias, that utilizes a “positive care approach” philosophy. This powerful collaboration of therapists will bring new, innovative, and vital programming to the residents of the centers and restructure how programs are provided in the years to come.


With your help, we can make a significant impact on the lives of the seniors at our centers helping them to thrive as they age!


We are Better Together!

“We are incredibly grateful for your generous support — you are helping us to make positive change in the everyday lives of the seniors we serve! Come visit us and see all the smiles you’ve created!”


— Sandy Waller, Site Manager


National Church Residences Centers for Senior Health logo
National Church Residences Centers for Senior Health


Provide comprehensive services to physically or mentally impaired adults; enable participants to live independently in the community; and provide support and relief to caregivers.

Better Together projects unite the community to support real-time needs, together. Whether this campaign falls short or exceeds its goal, all gifts will support the development of programs that utilize specific therapies that help seniors thrive.