It Takes a Village to Make a Neighborhood
Village Connections
Your support of this Better Together campaign will provide timely and critical funding for Village Connections to provide the security seniors need to age in place and continue to be vital, active members of their neighborhood.
"On behalf of our board, staff, and most importantly our members we want to say thank you to everyone who supported our campaign. The success of this campaign provides the security our seniors need to age in place and be vital members of their neighborhood.
Thank you to The Columbus Foundation and the Better Together platform as well for providing this simple and efficient way for individuals to become supporting neighbors. Our hearts are smiling.
Aging is cool--Everyone is doing it!"
—Donald Wiggins, Executive Director
Using a membership model, Village Connections provides services to individuals at least 50 years of age that empower them to continue aging in their homes. By providing a network of high-quality, person-centered resources for members’ evolving needs, this grassroots organization offers information and referrals to cost effective services and activities designed to enhance members’ health and wellness; support their social, educational, and cultural interests; and foster member-to-member volunteer support. Village Connections was established in 2012 by a visionary group of long term German Village residents and was the first “village” to take root in central Ohio!
Serving German Village, Merion Village, Schumacher Place, the Brewery District, and Downtown Columbus, Village Connections assists members with everyday tasks like rides to the doctor, grocery shopping, yard clean up, and light home maintenance. Membership fees average about $40 per month for participating seniors, but at least one third of Village Connections’ members live on fixed incomes. Based on their limited resources, their membership expenses are reduced to less than $10 per month.
Grant funding has helped to offset the reduced membership fees, but a growing need for services has stretched Village Connection’s available resources and demand is expected to continue in tandem with the rising senior population. Your generous support of this Better Together campaign provided timely and critical funding for Village Connections to provide the security seniors need to age in place and continue to be vital, active members of their neighborhood.
We are Better Together!
Create a supportive community helping neighbors stay connected, active, and independent.