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Organizations that provide services primarily in the Miami County area and that are aligned with the foundation’s mission and grantmaking focus are encouraged to apply for grants. Please visit the Duke Foundation’s website for more information about its grantmaking activities, history and impact on the Miami County region.


The Duke Foundation has four deadlines per year:

  • March 31, with grant decisions anticipated by the end of June;
  • June 30, with grant decisions anticipated by the end of August;
  • August 31, with grant decisions anticipated by the end of October; and
  • December 31, with grant decisions anticipated by the end of February.

Potential applicants are encouraged to revisit the Duke Foundation’s website prior to submission of an application to see if deadlines or application processes have changed.


If you have questions about an urgent or time-sensitive project, application deadlines, or the application process, please contact staff at


All grantees must submit an online Final Report. Final reports are generally due 30 days following the project grant period; the report deadline is noted in the grant agreement. If a grantee applies for a new grant from the Duke Foundation before a previous grant’s final report deadline, they will be expected either to submit an interim report if the previous grant has not been expended in full, or to submit their final report early.


If you have questions or are experiencing technical problems with your grant application, please contact the Paul G. Duke Foundation at 937/339-DUKE (3853) or by email.