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The results below are your potential scholarship opportunities. If you find a scholarship of interest, simply click on the scholarship name to view a description, eligibility requirements, and contact information.


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Jane Burns DeWitt Baumann Scholarship
Jane Burns DeWitt Baumann was a life-long resident and educator from Columbus. She attended Columbus City Schools from elementary school through graduation from South High School in 1949, subsequen...
  • Candidates must be a graduating high school senior from a Columbus City School.
  • Candidates must have a minimum 2.5 grade point average, on a 4.0 scale.
  • Candidates must major in education.
  • Candidates must attend or plan to attend an educational institution in the U.S.
Twylla and Lloyd Fisher Scholarship for Minority Students
The scholarship was founded by Lloyd Edison Fisher, Jr. and his wife of 47 years, Twylla Peterson Fisher. Lloyd was born on October 23, 1923 in Medina, OH, and was awarded a Stadium Cooperative Sch...
  • Candidates must attend a two- or four-year college or university, career, or technical program, either full- or part-time.
  • Candidates must attend or plan to attend an educational institution in the U.S.
  • Candidates must be from the Columbus area.
  • Candidates must identify as a minority.
Robert Jordan Memorial Scholarship
Robert Jordan attended Mifflin High School, joined the military upon graduation, loved to drive, hard worker, fun-loving, well respected, a leader. Married to Donna, father of four, grandfather of...
  • Candidates must be graduating high school seniors or graduates of a Columbus City Schools High School.
  • Preference given to students who are employed while in school.
  • Candidates must have been accepted to a post-secondary educational institution in the U.S.
  • Preference given to candidates going into the military, ROTC in high school or college, or those with parents who are active duty in the military.
Dr. James and Jean McConnell Dental Scholarship
The family of James and Jean McConnell established this scholarship to honor their memory and as a tribute to their enduring commitment to education. As a 1949 graduate of The Ohio State College of...
  • Candidates must be third- or fourth-year students in the The Ohio State University, College of Dentistry who are enrolled full-time.
The Open Door Scholarship
This fund was created by a donor family who believes that education is the cornerstone to a life of opportunity, security, choice, and continued growth. The aim of the Open Door Scholarship is to d...
  • Candidates must be graduating high school seniors who would be the first in their family to graduate college.
  • Candidates must have a minimum 3.6 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale.
  • Candidates must be residents of the City of Columbus.
  • Candidates must plan to attend a four-year college or university in the U.S., full-time.
Blanche and Bundy Ogle Scholarship of the Gallagher Fund
Blanche and Bundy were long-time residents of Chillicothe who were involved in the Community. Bundy retired as a partner in the Eastern Avenue Lumber Company. Blanche was a community volunteer with...
  • Candidates must be graduates or graduating seniors from Chillicothe High School in Ross County, Ohio.
  • Candidates must attend a college or university in the U.S.
  • Preference will be given to candidates who will attend Bowling Green State University or University of Akron.
M.D. & Elfriede Burt Scholarship
The scholarship is established in memory and honor of M.D. and Elfriede Burt by their children, Charlotte, Carmen, Susan, and Stephen Burt. M.D. and Elfriede believed in hard work, education, and t...
  • Candidates must be a child or dependent of an active employee of The Davey Tree Expert Company.
  • Candidates must attend or plan to attend an accredited four-year undergraduate institution in Ohio full-time.
  • Dependent includes children, step-children, and adopted children.
Kiwanis Club of Columbus - Service Leadership Scholarship
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time. There are more than 8,000 clubs worldwide, in 80+ countries. Kiwanis Club of C...
  • Candidates must be current, dues-paying members of the Capital University Circle K Club.
  • Candidates must have contributed significant time and effort to the leadership or activities of the Capital University Circle K Club over the previous school year.
  • Candidates must be rising sophomores, juniors, or seniors at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio.
H.M. (Butch) O'Neill Beta Theta Pi Leadership Fund
To provide scholarship awards to deserving students who are members of the Theta Delta Chapter of the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity at The Ohio State University.
  • Candidates must be active members of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity at The Ohio State University and hold one of the following leadership positions currently or in the prior academic year:
  • President; Vice President; Scretary; Treasurer; Scholarship Chair; Risk Management Officer; or Rush Chairman
  • Candidates must be enrolled full-time according to the standards as determined by The Ohio State University. This should consist of three academic quarters per year (or two trimesters, if such a system is implemented at a future date).
  • Candidates must have a minimum 2.8 GPA for the previous three quarters or a 2.8 cumulative GPA .
  • Candidates must have sophomore, junior, or senior class standing.
  • Candidates must remain in good academic standing for the duration of the scholarship award.
  • Candidates must submit application to the Scholarship Committee of the Theta Delta of Beta Theta Pi Alumni Association, Inc. stating their reasons as to why they qualify.
Genevieve Griffith Scholarship
The scholarship was established by Mildred Griffith in memory of her sister Genevieve Griffith, the girls' principal at Central High School in Ohio for many years. To be eligible, students must res...
  • Candidates must be graduating high school seniors residing in the area served by Central High School when it closed, Briggs, East, and South high schools.
  • Candidates must exhibit good character, scholastic endeavors, and participation in school activities.
  • Candidates must attend or plan to attend an educational institution in the U.S.