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Capital Improvements

Whether your nonprofit is buying a new building, purchasing new equipment, or updating a facility, the Foundation is interested in learning more.


Capital Improvement Projects and Campaigns can be a critical component of building capacity for a nonprofit organization. Whether purchasing new or larger buildings, investing in equipment, or updating a space, enhanced facilities and equipment allow nonprofits to better meet their missions. Capital grants tend to range from $10,000 to $100,000. 


  • Primary impact in Franklin County.
  • Demonstrated progress toward the fundraising goal and a plan for securing the remaining funds.
  • A plan for funding ongoing operating expenses.


The deadline for Capital Improvement grants is the first Friday in June. The application will be available one month before the deadline. Please log in under “GRANTSEEKERS” using your existing username and password to complete grant applications. View Deadlines and Open Houses for more information. 


For assistance, please contact Emily Savors.

Capital campaigns, whether large or small, are time-limited efforts to raise funds to support something physical - land, building, or equipment. More importantly, these fundraising efforts launch the nonprofit into its next level of service delivery."
Emily Savors
Senior Director, Grantmaking